Hasan Aksaygın,
(b. 1986, Nicosia - pronouns: he/his) critically explores personal and collective pasts, history, and (post-)memory from an outsider perspective within dominant knowledge systems. His research-based and conceptual artworks span wooden panels, site-specific wall paintings, sculptural objects, and (para-)fictional short stories. Aksaygın's visual and textual practice draws on the history of two-dimensional image-making and its Abrahamic connections to (Neo-)Platonic and Aristotelian thought, reflecting on how these influences shape contemporary visual culture and the ongoing tension between iconodulism and iconoclasm.

Selected Works
The Veil
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Frenk Bey, Fortress and the Thing
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Im Fokus
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Click on the Image to See the Artworks
Thank you for viewing Hasan's selected works. For access to a more comprehensive portfolio, please send a request via the contact page. The following are some examples of the older works:
Coat of Arms of Nicosia, acrylic mural, life-size 2013

(My portrait in) Extinction (Equus asinus) , acrylic mural, life-size, 2011
(My Portrait as an) Idiom III, acrylic and oil paint on canvas, 100x80cm, 2011

Untitled (Doch!) , acrylic mural, life-size 2011

(My Portrait as an) Idiom I, acrylic and oil paint on canvas, 40x50cm, 2011